שטוטאקוי, אתר מאמרים אישי

December 7, 2020

Economic Complementation Agreement

Filed under: Uncategorized — ירון @ 1:59 pm

This e-newsletter represents the efforts of the economic secretariat to regularly disseminate interesting and relevant information on foreign trade, such as official provisions. B (modifications and publications of decrees, agreements, ordinances, etc.). The signatures of ACE-74 and the automotive agreement are part of the network of bilateral agreements that already exist between Brazil and the other Mercosur states parties under the Association for Latin American Integration (ALADI), the others are ACE-2 signed with Uruguay and ACE-14 and signed with Argentina. International Investment Agreement (IA) are foreign investment agreements designed to promote and protect foreign investment in our country and Mexican investment abroad, helping to create a business-friendly climate. These agreements provide for the possibility of the use of dispute resolution mechanisms between states or between an investor and the state. The automotive industry has become one of the key elements of the economic development of the Latin American region, especially for Mexico and Brazil, which are considered the largest economies in terms of population and gross domestic product. The Economic Complementarity Agreement 55 has contributed significantly to the development of automotive production in these countries. In this section, you will find information on indicators that group Mexico`s trade activities according to major countries, agreements and agreements as well as customs codes. To this end, it is pushing Mexico`s economic integration into strategic economic blocs around the world in order to increase the country`s competitiveness. The World Competitiveness Yearbook, WCY, analyzes the top 59 economies based on four factors: economic performance, state efficiency, efficiency for business development and infrastructure development. The legal documents allowing the agreement to enter into force in each country are as follows: ARGENTINA: Decree N 415, 18 March 1991 CHILI: Decree N 1411, 30 September 1996 BRAZIL: Decree N 2075, November 19, 1996 PARAGUAY: Decree N 15939, December 31, 1996 and Law N 1038, March 20, 1997 Uruguay: Decree No. 663, November 27, 1985 However, due to Mexico`s trade surplus of $330 million in 2011 , Brazil threatened to denounce the ECA55 agreement in case Mexico did not increase its import and export quotas (restrictions). After intense negotiations in support of the automotive industry in Mexico, Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal finally signed an agreement with the Brazilian government to amend the ECA55 agreement.

The objective of foreign direct investment is to create long-term and sustainable interests of foreign entrepreneurs in the recipient country for economic purposes. The importance of direct resources lies in the fact that they play an important catalyst for development. In this sense, foreign direct investment has a significant positive impact on a country`s productivity and competitiveness, creating jobs, increasing savings and foreign exchange reserves, promoting competition and promoting the transfer of new technologies and exports. The Directorate General for Foreign Investment (DGIE, Spanish) is the administrative unit of the economic secretariat responsible for enforcing the law on foreign investment and, in particular, the management and operation of the National Register of Foreign Investment (RNIE, in Spanish), the production and publication of statistics on inflows and as the technical secretariat of the National Commission for Foreign Investment (CNIE). ( ) in Spanish). The DGIE also represents Mexico in international investment, contributes to investment promotion, disseminates information and studies on the country`s investment climate and encourages the adoption of public policies where appropriate. Information on investment promotion and attraction activities is available from ProMéxico, a government agency responsible for coordinating strategies to strengthen Mexico`s participation in the global economy.

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