שטוטאקוי, אתר מאמרים אישי

April 8, 2021

Collective Agreement For The Slovenian Metal Sector

Filed under: Uncategorized — ירון @ 10:16 pm

Slovenian trade unions developed as members of Austrian trade unions at the end of the 19th century. They began as education and self-help organizations and gradually became representative organizations for workers` rights. Changes to labour law in the late 1980s served as the basis for the development of collective bargaining as a fundamental instrument in industrial relations. Until 1988, there was only one trade union organization, although the trade union movement has already changed. In 1990, trade union pluralism began to emerge. Branch collective agreements generally apply only to employers who are members of the employers` organisation that signed the agreement, although they apply to all their employees, provided they have been signed with a representative union (see section on trade unions). However, agreements at the sectoral level can be extended by the Minister of Labour to all companies in the same sector if, in turn, the union signing the contract is representative and the employers of the employers` organisation employ more than half of the employees in the sector. In April 2013, the Minister renewed eight agreements on trade, the foundry industry, the electrical industry, the metallurgical industry, the textile industry, clothing and leather, road transport, chemicals and plastics. While the use of temporary workers may be limited by an enterprise contract, for example, other compensation flexibility measures may be introduced, such as extending the weekly working hours to 40 hours for a smaller proportion of workers. If temporary workers do not enjoy the same wages and working conditions as permanent workers, the Works Council may object that they will be put in place in the future. The recent agreement allows unrestricted secondment of temporary workers in each company for 18 months. At the end of this period, the company will have to consider whether the temporary worker concerned can obtain an indeterminate employment contract.

In the past, a very high proportion of all employees were covered by collective agreements (96% in September 2005).4 With regard to remuneration, most agreements include rates of pay based on a nine-tier classification structure, with very simple tasks at the base and extremely demanding tasks at the top. However, some of the differences offered by this structure have been lost, as in many agreements the lowest grades are below the level of Slovenia`s national minimum wage.

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