שטוטאקוי, אתר מאמרים אישי

December 11, 2020

Knock For Knock Agreement Definition

Filed under: Uncategorized — ירון @ 2:14 pm

The surprising aspect of the typing system for those who are not used to it is the fact that there is no notion of a “mistake” in sharing responsibility for the parties and their “groups” – liability is exclusively determined by the relationship of staff with a party and by the ownership of the assets (although, as noted below, certain restrictions may be attached to this general principle both contractually and by applicable law). “Knock for knock” is a regime widely used in the offshore oil and gas industry. It is often found only in disputes that arise after a serious disaster, when the parties concerned try to determine whether they (or one of their contractual partners) should be held financially responsible for the costs of the disaster. The reason is the economic and administrative efficiency: while an insurer may be able to track a recovery from the party responsible for an accident or to its policyholder, it is an expensive administrative procedure. The Knock-for-Knock agreement simplifies recovery rights among insurers and, over time, costs are fair to insurers. “Knock for knock” is a joint contractual agreement in the oil and gas industry. [2] The operator of an oil and gas property needs the help and know-how of many types of contractors, including drilling companies, drilling service providers, facility builders, equipment suppliers and caterers. As a general rule, the operator will use these services as part of a master service contract that defines the essential general conditions under which the work is performed. One of these conditions is the distribution of the risk of loss between people and property. In general, a knock-for-knock agreement means that any party working on an oil and gas site – the operator and any contractor – agrees to protect and compensate all other parties against violations by employees and agents of that party as well as the destruction or damage of that party`s property.

This allowance is not based on the fault or guilt of the individual whose staff was injured or whose property was damaged.

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